Inva is hands on investment management valuation company which is utilizing investment according to clients needs and expectations. “ We walk the talk “, are words from our CEO Mr Vuthy Cheng From our experience in real estate business we identify that many real estate companies do not understand the need of the clients and customer service needed in order to insure clients satisfaction. We are the group of individuals which each of us has expertise in it own department. We do believe in team work and by saying this, we really mean so. INVA was established because of this reason, to offer our best to the market. “ I wanted to gather the team that is passionate and that they really care about costumer experience”, are words from INVA’S Founder. “ Each individual is our potential client, with low or high budget, it doesn’t matter as we are giving to people investment opportunities.”
Providing our professional to protect risk of property to our clients.
Our local consultants know, that real estate is more than a house structure or a land;
It is a community of people that are SHARING and MANAGING INVESTMENTS.
SHARING knowledge, CARING for your TODAY and TOMORROW